Sunday, August 3, 2014


So I just started school recently. And by recently I mean 2 weeks ago ._. I start school early, but I get Fridays off and long breaks. We have a new System at my school. It's the Color System. Let me explain it to you...

Pink- Outstanding, Amazing, Helpful, Great,
Green- Average, Achieving, Good
Yellow- Struggling, Bad, Missed Homework (Once you turn it in it becomes a Green) Also if you get 3 yellows you don't go on the next field trip
Blue- Super bad, Principal's office, parent signature

So far I've gotten greens and 1 pink, so thank god. I'm a good noodle! Homework is annoying, as usual. I still don't get why they give it out. So yeah. RANDOM PICTURE TIME!!! xD

Monday, July 14, 2014


I'm finally back from my dad's house. I've been spending lots of time with my friend Maddy and updating my stories on wattpad. We've been listening to music a lot, too. I've been trying to memorize Hallelujah by John Cale. It's one of my favorite songs. So yeah. Here it is.